
Your Advanced Dispatch & Response Solution

Symphia NowForce is a state-of-the-art dispatch and response platform that provides unparalleled situational awareness by seamlessly integrating real-time data. Designed for first responders, security personnel, and third-party resources, our system is purpose-built to deliver efficient and timely responses to both potential threats and active incidents.

Why Time Matters: Every Second Counts

Security goes beyond mere vigilance; it’s about understanding, insight, and quick, effective action. Symphia NowForce is part of an ecosystem aiming to redefine how businesses handle security, business continuity, and risk management. With features like real-time understanding, efficient incident responses, and seamless system integration, we’re setting the standard for a safer and more efficient future.

Time lost is opportunities missed — especially when it comes to handling emergencies, natural disasters, or any critical incidents. Symphia NowForce equips you with leading-edge technology to ensure you’re never behind. Make crucial decisions with confidence, and act quickly when it truly matters.

Key Features


Dispatch Features
  • Optimized Situational Awareness: Make informed decisions by leveraging a wide range of data sources.
  • Dynamic Communications: Use live video and real-time data sharing from personnel or bystanders at the incident scene.
  • Efficient Deployment: Choose the most appropriate personnel based on proximity, availability, and other key metrics.
  • GeoFencing: Set up automatic alerts for geofence breaches to maintain high-security standards.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Track the status, location, and activities of all resources and personnel.
  • Selective Data Sharing: Distribute essential information without overwhelming your team.
  • Incident Management: Keep comprehensive logs of events and activities within the CAD system.
  • Direct Lifeline: Establish an unbreakable communication line with your control center.
  • Quick Dispatch: Send the right personnel or authorities to the incident scene without delay.
  • Field Monitoring: Maintain full visibility over all personnel and assets in the field.
  • Multimedia Sharing: Relay images, live video, and critical data instantaneously.
  • SOS Functionality: Instantly connect with emergency services using a dedicated SOS feature.
  • Anywhere Management: Oversee and manage incidents from any location.
  • Live Positioning: Monitor the real-time positions of personnel responding to an incident.
  • Quick Response: Dispatch the closest and most qualified personnel swiftly.
  • Information Sharing: Receive vital, real-time information before reaching the incident scene.
  • Seamless Integration: Compatible with existing systems and integrates with third-party systems through a robust API.
  • Data Analysis: Constant data collection, processing, and analysis ensure that you’re always equipped to handle complex situations
Symphia Control is your partner in evolving security operations, offering predictive, real-time, efficient, and compliant situation management. It’s a solution that collects, interprets, and contextualizes massive amounts of data to deliver comprehensive situational awareness, making complex tasks easy. Increase operational efficiency, improve response times, ensure compliance, and simplify forensic investigations with Symphia Control.
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Phone: Call us at 866-639-8482 during our business hours from Monday through Friday (except holidays).

Email: Feel free to email us at, and we’ll respond promptly to address your needs.

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