CUSTOMER (AS DEFINED ABOVE) Signature Name Title Date Signed , 20 | Intellicene Signature: Name as indicated on the above e-signature Title as indicated on the above e-signature Date Signed: as indicated on the above e-signature |
Solution | NowForce |
Processing Activity: Support | Product Support may be provided by Intellicene in accordance with Intellicene’s Support Plan. Support may be provided either in the context of Software or Hosted Subscription Services. The Agreement and Order will set out the applicable Support Plan and that Support Plan sets out information on how Support is provided. When providing Support, Intellicene may be required by Customer to Process Personal Data. Intellicene may access and/or receive Personal Data when providing Support. Personal Data is not accessed and/or received in every service Support case because some errors can be analysed and rectified without such access if the background to the error is known. Depending on the issue, Intellicene Affiliates (listed below) may provide Support and therefore an international transfer of Personal Data may occur pursuant to Section 11 of the DPA. |
Processing Activity: Professional Services | If, as part of an Order, Customer requires Intellicene to perform professional services to assist in deployment of the product or Managed Services during the term, then Intellicene may be required by Customer to Process Personal Data as part of this engagement. |
Processing Activity: Hosted Subscription Services | Customer will upload data to the Hosted Subscription Services in order to maximise the functionality of the product. Some of the data which may be uploaded to the Hosted Subscription Services includes Personal Data. Intellicene will host (storage) the data on behalf of Customer in accordance with the terms and conditions of service under the Agreement as mutually agreed to by the Parties. Intellicene may use a Subprocessor to deliver cloud hosting services as outlined below. Customer will determine how and why the product will be used to its benefit which may include the frequent or infrequent use of Personal Data. Customer acknowledges that in relation to these Processing operations, Intellicene has no control over the submission of Data Subject’s Personal Data and that the design of the data to be submitted to Intellicene’s hosted services is at all times under the control of Customer. Except for the underlying cloud storage of the SaaS services (and the provision of Support, if applicable, described above), Intellicene is not involved in any Processing activities associated with this use of the product. If, as part of an Order, Customer requires Intellicene to perform professional services to assist in deployment of the product or Managed Services during the Term, then Intellicene may be required by Customer to Process Personal Data for those purposes. |
Categories of Personal Data |
Special Categories of Personal Data | As Additional Categories of Personal Data may be provided by Customer either as part of a Support request or through Customer’s use of Hosted Subscription Services it is possible that from time-to-time Customer instructs Intellicene to Process Special Categories of Data. Intellicene’s products do not typically process Special Categories of Personal Data however Customer may determine that such categories will be Processed. Where applicable, Customer must inform Intellicene of this intention prior to conducting the Processing. |
Data Subjects | Employees, clients, customers and suppliers of Customer. Employees or contractors of Customer who contact Intellicene’s technical support facilities. Customer determines which Data Subjects form part of the Processing and therefore these categories may change depending on Customer’s use of the product. |
Duration of Processing | Support & Professional Services: Personal Data is processed only for as long as is necessary to provide the particular Support and/or Professional Services. SaaS: Personal Data is stored for the duration of the Services and is deleted or returned to Customer as set out under Section 9 of the DPA or as otherwise amended or deleted by Customer during the Term. |
Intellicene Affiliate(s) as Subprocessors | The following non-exhaustive list of Intellicene Affiliates may be considered Subprocessors in circumstances set out in this table and may provide technical support services, project related services, back office systems, data transfer and storage, and backup and disaster recovery services: EMEA: Intellicene Software UK Limited, UK; Symphia Intellicene Software Ltd., Israel. Americas: Intellicene Software Ltda., Brazil; Enterprise Intellicene Canada Inc.,Canada APAC: Intellicene India Private Limited, India. |
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